K-Plus Engineering
Evisceration Stork Poultry Processing’s evisceration technology removes the complete viscera pack in a single operation. The evisceration program offers solutions for all processing capacities up to 13,500 broilers per hour.
Viscera Handling We offer various solutions for handling giblets. The Nuova eviscerator re-hangs the drawn viscera pack to a separate viscera pack line for manual, semi or fully automated giblet harvesting.
Giblet Handling The scalding process will largely determine the appearance, colour and visual quality of the end product and can also influence yield and shelf life.


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Feet Processing Latest addition to Stork Poultry Processing range of A-frame pluckers/plucker finishers (pickers/finishers).
Rehanging The feet processing system is suitable for processing at the highest line speeds and consists of a number of modules, allowing the ideal combination to be put together for each customer.
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