K-Plus Engineering
In-line Air Chilling Stork Poultry Processing in-line air chilling ensures an optimum chilled product. Products reach the correct core temperature without frozen wings or neck flaps, superficially dry but with moisture loss kept to an absolute minimum
Immersion Chill (in-line/combined) If the end product is to be sold deep-frozen, chilling carcasses in a counter-flow screw chiller can be a fast and efficient method. We offer various solutions for this method of chilling.
Rehanging The re-hanger transfers products automatically from the chilling to the grading line for possible whole product selection.


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How a fresh broiler is chilled has a substantial influence on its shelf life, presentation, meat structure and its final yield. Stork Poultry Processing offers various technologies, which chill birds to the correct core temperature without freezing wings or neck flaps. Water chilled or superficially dry but with some moisture retained in the meat, weight loss is kept to an absolute minimum and the end consumer presented with end products of an attractive color. Our chilling solutions give high yield and bacteriologically high quality end products perfect for sale either fresh or frozen. They are available for all processing capacities and all product requirements and include both maturation and immersion chilling options.


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